Sunday, August 5, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (2)

**"Stacking the Shelves" is run by Tynga @ Tynga's Book Reviews and I'm linking up with some of the great books I found this week.**

Hello! So real quick, The Viking - Yes, 'The' - is on vacation with me, and she isn't open for consultation today so it's just me here. This week I'm not really home, so I didn't technically hold this baby in my hands, but I'm expecting Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry to be in my Mailbox:

Because I tend to be a miser with money that is my own - I'm better at spending other people's money - I got this little darling in paperback! I have heard only good things about this book and cannot wait to read it for myself :) Next on my list are a couple of books I snagged with me on the trip, one of them I bought at the airport: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is the buzz I keep hearing, so buying it was an easy decision. Throne of Glass finally arrived too! I squealed a little because the edition was the British paperback and I adore it!

The other two are both Immortal books, get it?

I borrowed Immortal City from the library and have had The Immortal Rules from Netgalley for a while, and really wanted to get it out of that ever-mounting TBR pile! Immortal City sounds amazing too and from what I've heard of it. The rest are a few Kindle books I happened to pick up:

Spill Over I won from the lovely lady Valerie at Stuck in Books and I was really happy to win. Thank-you!

And that's it! What have you pillaged, I mean, bought/got this week? Anything good? Share with me in the comments below. Thanks for reading, you are amazing!


  1. I'm awaiting to have room in my reading schedule to read THE FAULT IN OUR STARS.... I've heard only great things about it. I'll be looking to see your take on it.

  2. Great Haul! I loved Pushing the Limits and The Immortal Rules and I'm excited to read Throne of Glass!
    New follower:)
    Check out my Stacking the Shelves

  3. I'm one of the few people who thought The Fault in Our Stars was just okay. Immortal City should be interesting. I didn't get what the big deal behind that book was until I saw some celebrity dude was behind it, which made me put it on hold for now.

    I know it's not fair, but any time a celebrity name is attached to a book I kinda ignore it.

    Happy reading!


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The Truth And Nothing BUT...

Going by FTC guidelines, allow me to point out that all the novels reviewed on this blog were either bought by me, or given by an author or publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Those books received from Authors and Publishers will be stated clearly as such, as will the ones purchased by myself. There is no shady business going on; no coercion, bribery or compensation has or will ever be received in exchange for any reviews. These thoughts are mine, wacky as they may be, and my honest opinion is all you can truly expect. Still reading? You should be off checking out those awesome reviews ;)